Welcome to the Taney County Circuit Clerk's Office website.
Taney County is the 46th judicial circuit in the state.
The location of our new Judicial Facility is 266 Main Street Forsyth, Missouri. About 1 block south of the Courthouse.
Our office is open Monday - Friday 8:00 - 5:00.This office honors all holidays regulated by the State of Missouri.
Please be advised that this Court is prohibited by law from responding to requests for legal advice. Your requests need to be directed to a licensed attorney. We do not accept filings via e-mail, such documents have not been approved by the Supreme Court. You may however file documents by fax, directed to the Circuit Clerk's office.
Circuit Court Career Opportunities Search
Career Opportunity (Court Clerk)
Case.NET Changes - July 1, 2023
Circuit Clerk
266 Main Street - Forsyth, MO 65653
*Mail: P.O. Box 129 - Forsyth, MO 65653
(417) 546-7230 fax: (417) 546-7292
*Please use this address to mail USPS.
Amy Strahan
Circuit Clerk
Honorable Jeffrey M. Merrell
Presiding Circuit Judge
Honorable R. Tiffany Yarnell
Associate Circuit Court Division I
Honorable Eric D. Eighmy
Associate Circuit Court Division II